Full English for Meatmen


I could have massacred that lot 30 years ago.

Which is why I definitely won’t live another 30 years! :laughing:


Cafe brekkie with Fol1 in Wells-next-the-Sea. Not exactly full, but defo English. Very nice bacon :ok_hand:


Have you ever tried the cafe at Old Hunstanton beach? We always stop when in the area.

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No, not been to Hunstanton for a while, will add it to the list :smile:

Haha, he regrets that bet pretty quickly.

Plenty of pepper on the eggs: good lad :+1:

Should be white, mind…


Mr. Creosote rides again. Does he eat his beard for afters?

That is an oddly addictive channel, been following his exploits for a few years

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White pepper is very much a staple store cupboard ingredient in this household. Think it fell off a cliff fashion wise in the 80’s/90’s when home milled black pepper became the norm. My son Ethan & partner Charlotte are now using it frequently having previously been totally unaware of it

White pepper is fantastic for seasoning red meats. Its also both transformative & essential for great mashed potato amongst many other nice nosh items.


Yes, I also use white pepper a lot when cooking, I particularly like it with/on eggs. Unfortunately, there was only pre-ground black pepper in the cafe this morning. :confused:


Love the flavour of it; solid agree on uses; goes brilliantly with brassics too :ok_hand:

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Yeah great with shredded cabbage cooked in butter with pancetta. Quite often I combine these with creamy mashed potato for an Irish/champ style mash. Yummy!!

Super with cheese on toast with a splosh o’ Worcestershire sauce too.

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Mash, shredded savoy, garlic roasted in butter, dash of cream or creme fraiche: eat straight from the pan until I puke…


Cracking golf course at Hunstanton also

There is a pitch and put by the car park. That one?

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This one


We will probably be going on Sunday morning.
Normally go there for breakfast and a walk before packing the caravan up and going home.

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Bubble and an extra sausage. Bloody lovely it was.
Walk on the beach was a bit bracing.


Bubble :nauseated_face::nauseated_face::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:
Would rather eat my own faeces than put that shit in my mouth.

Every fucking monday is a kid it was cold meat, mash/reheated roasties and bastard bubble, inc torn up yorkies, swede, turnip carrot and worst of all brussel sprouts.

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