General Public becoming more and more unpleasant?

I have worked with the general public on and off for about 25 years.

During a conversation with friends last weekend, I said that I feel people are becoming more and more aggressive.

This sort of thing isn’t unusual:

Boils my fucking piss and I don’t take a bar of it at work…


It’s the same B2B, folks expectations are just ridiculous, they can’t understand ‘no’ then throw their toys out of the pram.
It’s very noticeable how stupid and unrealistic people have become after covid….


Yep, having a pop at staff like that isn’t on, pubs, restos and shops are all reporting a huge increase in abuse.

As for Service Charge, knock your socks out with that one but take it up with the Manager.

As for personal experience of angry man syndrome, limited. But of the 2 i have come across, both get their news solely from the online Fail. I think the move to online news as the major source of your works view is dangerous, regardless of which site you get it from. Spread that net wide, get some balance.


The objective of causing unrest, and hostility towards our institutions is working.


Ah, but the news planted by hostle foreign states storey is itself a storey planted by hostile foreign states. That way you undermine the whole of the 4th estate.


:smoking: and :mirror:

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The general public are hateful and should be avoided at all costs.


The peasants are revolting…

And They’ve had to pass a new law about it (being seen to do something…)

One of my pet moans (“pet!” - it’s a billion-acre ranch of the fuckers) is societal change to the perception of Reality. We’ve all seen them for years now: on holiday, at a gig, at a car crash - everything that’s happening being filmed on their fucking 'phones, not watched, not experienced or enjoyed.

Shit’s only real if it’s seen thru a 'phone, and so everyone’s mindset has become stuck in permanent “keyboard warrior” mode. Everywhere, all the time, they think their spite, their ignorance, their rudeness is without consequence. Feral humans with no humanity.

Fuck 'em, I’m glad the World’s going to burn and that only Elon will be left, all-alone on Mars, slowly dying with no-one to care.


…mind, adding “service” charges to a bill boils my piss too! Hell of a lot of places the servers never see a penny…


One idiot made the mistake of trying to film a Hawkwind gig on their phone, oops, what phone, it went on flying lessons.

Not only does all of your rant also suitably boil my piss, but the fucking idiots either load it to FB or insist on showing it to me. Why the fuck they think id be interested in a thumnail size video of some anodine performer with a shite audio recording is beyond me.


A while back it was all fucking iPads at every gig - beer’s £12 a half-full plastic mug, my feet hurt, 50% of the people in front of me are taller than me, and there’s a fucking wall of A4 sized overpriced look-at-me twat-amusers being held up blocking the view.

AK47 the lot of the CUNTS!!!


I like this thread :boom::+1:


46 years of Customer Service has made the man that I am today……a Misanthrope.



Its time for a cull
If I have my way there won’t be many left.
I reckon there is maybe a few hundred worth saving.
The rest its Paul’s firing squad for you


About 25 years for me with the same result… I used to really like people!


" Service With A Surl "


I used to like real people

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Yes. This. And I didn’t fucking buy the ‘be kind’ shite being bandied around during those difficult years of Covid-19 restrictions. I felt it was bullshit then and I feel vindicated.

I’ve always asked if shop workers that have been cunted off by public (or sometimes their supervisors) are ok amd if they need a witness.

There is a rise in people talking to those in public facing jobs like they are Amazon Smart Speakers…

My favourite was this one from a while ago:

(mother to their child)

“You don’t have to say thank you to the driver because they are paid to do this”

Classy! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:


Something similar coming down the line for transport workers too, hopefully:


Creating more law rarely solves anything.

Usually makes things worse.