Commie plot detected
Don’t watch Springwatch tonight.
More propoganda!
You are missing the fundamental ideology known as Stuism… if he hasn’t physically experienced something it does not exist.
This goes for orgies, wagu beef and anyone called Norris.
Didn’t Lopwell cover any of that?
Although ‘busy’ in many ways, the answer is No… unless I missed some ‘goings on’ over the other side of the river. Thinking about it, this may explain Guys keenness to swim the rapids.
Patch has also grown
I’m cleansed, reborn. I needed to be after such depravity on Friday night. The clothes were too soiled even to go to the cats & dogs charity shop and their standards are pretty low.
Conclusive evidence…
You do realise this is bill gates trying to push this narrative?
I’ve not come up with why he is doing it,but pretty sure he is.
I saw 3 separate green birds flying near Samford Spiney yesterday. First thought was a parakeet invasion of W Devon but saw the 3rd clearly enough to realise they’d been woodpeckers.
This does seem the most plausible explanation
Saw similar at the weekend near the pond on Old Fen Lane - since they’re not usually gregarious I’d guess they’re recently fledged birds learning from a parent where to feed. It is almost flying-ant season here, which is a bonanza for them.
I once came home as a kid to hear my Mum screaming upstairs - I ran up to discover a woodpecker had flown into her bedroom and was busily headbutting her vanity mirror -
Loved them ever since.
Vanity woodpecker,
Potentially one of the best porno stars names ever
It’s just a duck. Millions of these in the UK…
Dodo,we have loads down here