Horace's continuing history of self immolating amplifiers

It would be for me. :wink:

Looks like @coco is volunteering to take a day trip on your behalf, sounds like a win :sunglasses:

Very generous :slight_smile: but I think I’ll go with the postage option.

While I’m at it, my sincere thanks for all the offers of loaner amps. I hope I’ve pmed everyone to thank them personally - apologies if I missed anyone.

The amp is back.

Gato have fixed the fault - and also replaced the top fascia panel and LED display (the latter being both brighter and clearer than the old one). Either that, or it’s a new amp.

I sent a final thank you by email. Response from CEO: You are very welcome. We do try to help our customers.

Yes, they do…


I love a happy ending :slight_smile:

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Nice when you get good service. I had the same with Lyngdorf.