How actually do you feel?

It’s a lot closer than Lisbon.

I recommend staying away from that London.

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Neither is an option.

It’s only a bit like smallpox…

No worries :face_vomiting:

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I’m starting to wonder if the Mayan Calendar has been miscalculated by about a decade… perhaps this year or next is when they meant, not 2012….

Bugger! Woke up with a persistent cough after a terrible night’s sleep, and have tested positive for Covid. :sneezing_face:


Damn !

Take it easy and Get Well Soon.


Oh no, get well soon!

GWS mate.

That is bad luck. Hopefully it is a mild case and you recover quickly.

It’s an arse, hope you have a mild dose.

Three weeks on and I’m still fucking knackered and congested.

@Mrs_Maureen_OPinion says it’s an arse. I’m nearly 3 weeks in. Had it really mild but tired, achy and a cough still.


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I am now applying beer to my symptoms, which seems to help! :beer:


Of all the “cures” that don’t work, that one gets my vote.

Red wine also blunts the bad of covid. :wine_glass:

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Pretty rubbish. Into my fourth consecutive week off work. ( Had another week , a week previous to that)
Still coughing , especially at night. Really wheezy , pretty much exhausted if i walk upstairs. The lack of sleep doesn’t help.
Had blood tests and a chest X-ray and the at was all clear.
Been referred to a place called express diagnostics for lung functionality test but won’t be seen for at least a month.


I had to go there. a few days after testing clear my chest was tight and my heart seemed to be doing new but not improved things. - I had to wear a heart monitor for a day and log unusual events. Apparently they were seeing lots of covid / long covid cases. 6 weeks on things are much improved. Hope things turn a corner for you soon mate.

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