How actually do you feel?

GWS Nick!

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After a couple of weeks of heart flutters since the Covid symptoms subsided, I told the wife app and she put me on a week’s rest and insisted I rang the docs. That’s the quickest appointment I’ve ever secured, as in would you come in now please👍

I had a second ablation last week. Hope all is well with you

Cheers, not even looking that up, sounds scary. :grin:

First one (2 years ago) was supposed to sort the problem but I kept getting flutters so they wanted to do another to check. Turns out the first one was a success and they have no idea what’s causing the flutters but assured me it’s nothing dangerous. Looks like I’ll be on light beta blockers for a very long time

Heart problems are rubbish, but there are loads of well developed drugs and treatments. It’s definitely worth seeing the doctor, it can add years or even decades of quality life.

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ECG and full bloods at 11, this is going quickly.


All the best nick …speedy recovery … :+1:

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In a word ? Fucked !

I’d been sailing along pretty well, but I’ve more recently struggled with my Black Dog.

Work is tough at the moment. Not the actual work itself but the lack of staff means we have to pick up the slack, along with swapping and changing shifts more frequently. This means more physical disruption. My sleep patterns are non-existent. If I can catch an hour of uninterrupted sleep, I consider that a win.

Added to that, Moral Dilemma - #51 by OzzyOzzyOzzyOiOiOi

Some have already noted that I’ve been a bit quiet of late. Well, this goes some way as to explain why.

I know this all comes across as “Oh, woe is me”, but I do find the company of you freaks and nut jobs comforting.


Sorry to hear this Terry. Hang on in there mate - the better times follow the worse.

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I would normally recommend a course of masturbation.
Did you know that you can sell your masturbations? :wink:


I recommended that for @Valvebloke

I must find out how he got on.


Sleepy mog face to help you relax Bruv :heart_eyes_cat:


I think he prefers spiders

This is the bit I find most disturbing.


I suspect this may go against the grain but if you’re lacking the motivation to work and struggling to get through your shifts, maybe consider taking some time off sick? If nothing else, given the lack of sleep, it would give you a chance to recharge your batteries.

Obviously this has been a difficult development for your to come to terms with. Have you considered talking it through with a counsellor?


If you are not the one picking the shifts or deciding on/being responsible for staffing levels then this should not be your problem. A level of unsociable hours comes with the job, but that should never be unlimited.


Keep-on keeping-on, tho’ I’m in the perilous position of agreeing with Helmit - a nice ol’ sicky would be eminently justified here - you owe your employers very much less than nothing!

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