How do you feel? (Part 1)

Example: the overwhelmingly beige nature of his diet led to chronic bouts of pestilential diahorrea.

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Working tomorrow, then I’ve managed to wrangle next weekend off. So I don’t have to face that disease ridden clusterfuck.


7 posts were merged into an existing topic: Brexit episode 2 - the attack of the gammon

Not good

Should add this which is down near the end of the article

" Writing in the study, which has yet to be peer reviewed and published in a journal,"

It does make me rather worried. Autoimmune illnesses are often linked - you get one, you’re more susceptible to others. Add that to my blood oxygen never going above 94% due to one of the drugs I’m on, and there’s a rather increased chance of serious illness for me, I think.

Off to London on Wednesday to chat with my consultant. I’ll take a few spare masks…

Haha, will this clown fiesta ever end?

To make sure that it gets thoroughly spread round


God I hope that’s a parody account as no cunt could really be that stupid.

Blue tick, the kite mark of political stupidity.

That’s fucking insane.

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Head out to spread it out.




Looks like Christmas movement restrictions are under review.


I would respect them if they have the stones to reverse that family mixing policy. I didn’t think they would have it in them.

An update regarding my daughters post covid fatigue and respiratory difficulty, as described previously on the ‘Today I have been’ thread.
Following two courses of antibiotics which had no effect, her GP sent her to the covid unit at the hospital as a walking wounded patient for examination.
She has nothing but praise for the quick, thorough and courteous attention she received. Within 3 hours she was back home following, chest x-ray, ecg, bloods, swabs and a full physical examination. Fortunately nothing sinister was found and the doctor described to her what the post covid problems were and why she was feeling the way she does. Additionally, she must return tomorrow for a ct scan to exclude the possibility of a pulmonary thrombus forming, this is exceptional care/treatment that she is receiving. All in all, apart from feeling tired and breathless, she is functioning normally and the effects of covid hopefully will recede over time.
A much relieved dad, especially as I couldn’t accompany her on her visit. I think I’ve worn a pathway in the carpet due to pacing.