Like these, don’t care what they sound like, I want a pair.
Apparently they sound very good, I had a chat with Tom Evans about those a few years ago as he supplied the amps for that photo shoot and did a lot of testing with the designer.
They look like urinals in an abbatoir.
They look like fluffy white cat homes.
Here’s a link to them: AX Horns AXJETS
Even nicer in black
They do look very funky - how much are they.
I’ve dropped them an email asking just that.
According to a US site the list price is $66k.
Loose change to one of the Cheshire mafia.
It appears that Deco Audio will be doing them.
Yes look good think I would pick white - I’m even happy with the TV being blocked
These seem quite the lure for attractive women with time machines. Who cares what they sound like?
Nanoo nanoo?
So, horn loaded full range drivers, hasn’t that been done before?
Even AxHorn were doing it in the late 80’s.