IWC Aquatimer 2000

Any interest in an old IWC Aquatimer 2000?

42mm, steel on a steel bracelet it’s a big ol’ lump.

Seems to be in very good condition, and the second hand started running again as soon as I picked it out of the box so it’s not totally seized up :laughing:

Bought new by me in 2001 and appears to have been serviced in 2012.

Box papers, one spare bracelet link, link removal tools, etc.

Post, meet up, I’ll come and visit you and we can go for a pub lunch. Whatever.

From a look at Chrono24 it appears to stink quite badly on the secondary market, so £3000 please.

You can read more about his titanium brother here

I see Marc also mentions the Mark XII

I’ll have one of these coming up too, on that “best bracelet in the world”, but it needs a service first, so I may be back in about 6 months …


BTW if anyone more in the loop thinks I’ve pitched the price wrong (in either direction!) please let me know.

Like for the 36 which is right up my alley!
(Note set for 6 months)

IWC’s divers are very much the bargain of the IWC family right now - certainly compared with the fliegers. The styling is restrained for a diver, and also pretty timeless, not mired in design quirks from 30 years ago. Sane size (42 x 14mm) too.

Provided you like the watch, it’s potentially a bandwagon worth jumping on still - and if you want to do that, this full-set++, serviced, and in top nick is definitely what you want :ok_hand:

GLWTS :+1:

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Thank you for the kind words Paul - the cheque’s in the post :laughing:

I also have an original Doppel 3711 in much the same state. I should probably get rid of that too, it’s not like I’m ever going to wear it again.

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I really like that :heart_eyes:

Much more my sort of a thing - older IWC chronos are lovely, can’t abide most of the recent stuff. Kost het?

As you can tell, I’ve been having a bit of a dig through today, so I can certainly tell you what it did cost




I haven’t looked, but at a guess easily triple that now for the nearest equivalent!

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I clearly remember paying £500 for the bracelet about 6 months later.

In day-to-day use I really didn’t like the leather strap.

Similarly £2.5k before the knacker’s yard.

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Just got the call so, a month. Not bad.

Now very much sold, thank you.