Thanks for the suggestions. Somewhat surprised they aren’t for cleavers at £100+
Robert Welch also make a deeper bladed Santoku with a couple of extra degrees on the cutting edge
Zwilling offer a very nice Santoku with a slightly longer blade
Wusthof Classic another superb tang forged blade
Nice to see the price of the recommendations creeping up
Fortunately too late. We went for the earlier Welch offering (dishwasher proof too)
Heh…I could recommend the Zelite Infinity for its superb 67 layer AUS10 forged blade
Hard to go wrong at that price
That’s the Daddy!
I use one of those for my pedicure
Age verification: 90+ and Zen master
For your stir fry/Soul Caliber crossover.
Very nice, but you’d need arms like Popeye to use it - 4.6kg
Dick Cleaver
Nice heft, great for cutting through, carrots, entire kitchens, time.
Sequoia trees, blue whales, etc. It’s a beast
You could cut your shadow away with that
WooooooHooooo…just received an email informing me that I am on the current ( and potentially final) waiting list… Kengata Gyuto Knife 225mm
From the blurb:
“Sakai Takayuki Knives has been cultivated through a long 600-year history by skilled craftsmen in Sakai.
The Homura Aoko is made by the skilled blacksmith Itsuo Doi. He is a son of legendary blacksmith Keijiro Doi, whose family has produced some of the finest hand-forged knives for more than 70 years.
The Aoko or Blue Paper (Aogami) No.2 Steel Knife is made from famous Yasugi steel, known as prime high carbon steel, specifically developed for tools and knives.
This one has highest wear resistance and toughness. Very good steel, and very popular choice for high end Japanese kitchen knives.
One of our best kitchen knife with more excellent durability of sharpness with special hardness like New Ceramic . We recommend any chef to use the one in their life.
Speaking to the Ebony Wood handle, the Japanese-Style Octagonal figure fits better comfortably to your hand.
The Buffalo Tsuba with a beautiful copper ring equipped to the handle represents high-quality and excellent durability.
The family emblem of Mr.Doi is engraved as a certification near the logo on the blade.”
Thanks to Paul for the knives he sent
At last I can tackle the overgrown bracken in the back garden
talking of which, anyone want these, for cost of postage as a donation to the forum
set of three Japanese water stones bought from Rutlands in their special offer a while ago. Used once, I just don’t get on with them and prefer my water wheel sharpener.