Gone are the days you could just go to M&S and buy socks you’d get years out of. I had some from my early teens that finally had to be binned in my 40s
Bought a few pairs of Farah and Pringle-branded socks last September from Ocado of all places: those are already fucked. Utter shite.
I’m fat, old, unfit and do at least a few miles every day walking the doggos, pottering round the garden, sorting the paddock &c, so comfort and durability matter.
Wondering what to try next, I recalled a brand from childhood ~50 years ago that I used to wear for all-day fossil-hunting trips, up and down cliffs, &c : “HJ Indestructible Socks” - used to get 'em from the market, and they had a real rollie-and-donkey-jacket vibe, sort of thing Fred Dibnah would wear, and his dad, and his dad… Went a treat with me monkey boots. Lived up to their name too - never showed any sign of wear. Mine only went 'cos I outgrew 'em.
Funny how yer feet keep growing but yer dick never does… FML
And fuck me if they not only still exist, but are still made in Leicestershire!
Got a variety to try-out - the “Soft-top” are non-elasticated and look like real “dead man’s socks”. I suspect they’ll be worn once, descend round me ankles, then be used for polishing duty until I’m parked in god’s waiting room…
Got the “Indestructible” variety on now - comfier than I remember, generous size, 12 month guarantee, UK made. What’s not to like?
Yay! Exciting lockdown threads FTW!