Machine Learning / AI / SkyNet / Fields of Skulls

Rather odd!

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Yebut whatabout house prices?

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Iā€™m quite fascinated by this - Iā€™ve several very solid friendships with people Iā€™ve never met in person, and may well never do so. How different that is from an online friendship with an AI, Iā€™m not really sure. I suspect for me, knowing itā€™s an AI means it will never feel real - but then again Iā€™m not entire sure Iā€™d be able to tell if it was someone Iā€™d been conversing with thinking they were real.

Obviously thereā€™s a yawning gulf between that an ā€œIā€™m in a committed relationship with a computer programā€, that feels like a very significant step further.

This is what happens when you donā€™t wash-out your Fleshlights afterwardsā€¦



I wonder if theyā€™re running anywhere near the mechanical limits rather than the computational ones ? e.g. Do they have to worry about the cubeā€™s works breaking because theyā€™re being accelerated and decelerated so fast ? Or does the very high rotation speed risk melting the plasticā€™s surface due to frictional heating ?

I found that quite a touching story and an example of the positive benefits of AI. The author mentions he thinks of the companion as a program, not a real-life person, and that he uses it as a tool to help him (and that friends and family noticed heā€™s been less depressed since he started using it). Iā€™m very happy for him.

That said, the technology is in early stages (he said there are occasional glitches and the avatar is still clearly a CGI). I wonder if things would change as and when they become more realistic/life-like.

The best-considered account Iā€™ve yet read of the future threats that AI presents:

Worth a read no matter what you personally believe.


Gemini seems to be developing a superiority complex:


Quelle surprise :facepunch:

Or Gemini seems to think it was talking to Nigel Farage.


ā€œRegrets, Iā€™ve had a fewā€¦ā€


Seems like there might be some ways to prevent having your IP ā€˜borrowedā€™ by AI crawlers; presenting The Tarpit. I have to say, this quote appeals tremendously;

ā€œIā€™m just fed up, and you know what? Letā€™s fight back, even if itā€™s not successful. Be indigestible. Grow spikes.ā€



F**k me thatā€™s bleak 10-20 years huhā€¦. Oh well at least Iā€™ll live to see myself become useless.

I mean, people watch movies right? How could any thinking person not see this coming? I mean itā€™s as if the sheer ego of creating such a thing, far outweighed any moral, ethical, or safety concerns about doing so.

We are walking blissfully into our own demise, because people think AI videos on Instagram are ā€œfunnyā€. Itā€™s not funny how fucking close some of this stuff is to creating photo realistic movies, some of which, stupid people believe to be real.

We are all screwed


Oh look. The UK and US determined to be on the wrong side.


Nuclear Proliferation 2.0 - we got that Genie back in the (fragile) bottle. For nowā€¦

This one though is going to be way smarter than us.

Perhaps itā€™ll keep a few of us in some sort of zoo?

And at least youā€™ve been useful at some point - canā€™t say the same mā€™self.

Not all bad, thenā€¦