Maverick Hifi Enthusiasts Show

Evening all. Jon, hope it’s ok to post this here.

We are organising the next enthusiasts show in October next year. This show has nothing to do with the Wam, and is being organised by the team who set up this year’s event. That’s me, Duvet, Bazzer, Robin, Rabski ( who has hinted he may build something to bring! ) and Barneysdad.

We have renamed it The Maverick Enthusiasts Hifi Show, to honour our friend Paul Frank, who was pivotal in getting this year’s event off the ground, but unfortunately passed away two months before the show itself.

The show date is the 27th October 2024, and the venue is the same as this year, the Holiday Inn, Dodworth, the other side of the M1 from Barnsley.

Again, I stress this has nothing whatsoever to do with the Wam forum , and we hope exhibitors and visitors from all forums, and even those who are not members of any site, decide to join us next year.

We intend that any and all profits made from the show are plowed back in to future years shows, helping pay for bigger systems to have conference rooms, subsidising room costs, meals etc. All ideas are being looked at.

This year we had 42 exhibitor rooms, and carefully selected trade. I’m biased, but it was a bloody good weekend, with a whole host of systems, beer and good food.

If anyone on the Abattoir is interested in exhibiting, please drop me a line. I stress, this has nothing to do with the Wam, and is a non profit making show by enthusiasts for enthusiasts.


Missed it last year due to other things but planning to go again next time.

Maverick was a really great guy.


We have a show FB page, The Maverick Hifi Enthusiasts Show, and soon a show landing page also.


Good luck to you all, I co exhibited with Paul and Olan some moons ago.
Wish I could partake, as my gear has changed a bit since then and I’d love to share some tunes with you again.
Fuc&$§# Brexit ruined it, no way one can move some gear in one or other direction any longer, makes me sad :frowning:


I’m going to try and attend this show. I’m not going to exhibit as I’m not fit for that. I had such a laugh with Paul at Scalford and various bake-offs. I hope it’s a rollicking success .


I shall endeavour to attend.


Not forgetting a donation to Barnsley Hospice…
The show has already got commitment from a decent number who want to exhibit again or for the 1st time.
Goes without saying how truly good it would be to see some old faces again.


Hope to be able to make it this next year.
Scalford used to be a highlight of the year.


If I’ve still got the Tone Scouts I might try and do this year.

Would have to be a ground floor room after we nearly destroyed a few people’s backs at Lopwell :joy:


I’d love to hear the Tone Scouts. Downstairs rooms are the bigger conference rooms, which are huge. But there is a lift, and will be plenty of folk around to help.


Sadly my car is too small to bring my speakers.
But might try and sort out some small ones to bring.
Could do with a weekend away


There is a lift and lots of trolleys and help


Oooh might be a good excuse to bring the subs as well :slight_smile:


Look forward to it, was planning on going this year but it was around the due date for baby so thought better of it. I’ve put my name down for the 2024 show, no idea what I’ll be taking though!


Forget the effective blue screen of death on the Wam at the moment, we don’t know how that’s going to turn out, but believe, to the best of our knowledge, that there is no IT support.

This has no bearing on the show, it is, as mentioned, run by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Exhibitor interest filling up nicely, and some bloody good kit & systems will be coming.


Abbattoir (nuke your forum) Consultants Ltd are available :grinning:


The Ads still come up though! Bloody amateurs :slight_smile:

Daisy…Daisy…give me…your …answer… do…
I’m half …crazy…

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Mean while @ The Maverick Show
“Build it and they will come”

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We put the ads in just for you Mike :sweat_smile: