Mince Pie Conformist hand wringing and tears 2019

:roll_eyes: Grinch…

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Right, as promised earlier, the object:
Cheese 1
Cheese 2
The test piece:
Cheese 3
The verdict:
On first bite, a lot of spice, not a pleasant mix. Fruitish flavour then developing, followed by a finish resembling some sort of industrial cleanser. The grapes and crispbread were used, along with a quantity of Shiraz, to remove the lingering flavour.
The remaining question: what to do with the rest of the round? I could offer it to friends tomorrow, when we are promised tea and crumpets after a walk, and solicit further opinions, but I fear for friendships…
Wensleydale with cranberry I rather like but this, no.


cheese on toast?

cheese omelette?

cheese souffle?

Nein, nein, nein

Lobbing it over the garden fence in lieu of the traditional dogshite might be an option. Whoever thought that might be a good idea needs a good tarring and feathering.

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I value my neighbours, and I suspect that the local fox would throw up if it tried the stuff.
Triple bagging to the dustbin and thence the municipal incinerator may be the answer.

I’ll keep an eye out for news of a toxic cloud wiping out half the country.


Meh! Lacks panache. Must try harder.

Carve it into a likeness of Boris Johnson and then, with a metal spike, impale it on the door of the local golf club.



No 4 on the list has potential.

Edit your post incorporating some of the following themes:

  1. I’ve stumbled across something of a revelation
  2. Nothing has electrified my taste buds quite like it
  3. Apparently supplies are very limited
  4. I thought I knew something about cheese
  5. Harvard have a paper waiting to be published on the aphrodisiac properties of mince pie Wensleydale .

It’s important to do this and encourage others to suffer as you have. Caring and sharing the AA way / Pain is the best teacher.

In response to your what to do with the leftovers. Jam chunks under the car door handles of your enemies?


Good points well made.
Will stick with plan A for remainder, in case own tastebuds were corrupted by vegetarian lunch yesterday. Will report.

almost inevitably

I found these at work in kitchen today.

It aint over yet @Ruprecht

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Pasteis De Nata Prism

Got 4 Aldi pies left. Still love 'em.

Bramley apple pies with last of the clotted cream


Disappointing portion of cream :worried:
In any event, I prefer vanilla ice cream or a bit of cheddar with my apple pie.

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