Moaning about who has the moral high ground, Cars or Bikes

I’m sure the feeling’s reciprocated :smiley:

By the way, this seems to be a peculiarly British intolerance; I’ve lived in France for twenty years and I’ve never heard anyone whining about cyclists on the road, whether commuting or leisure. You wait until it’s safe to pass and then you overtake. Where’s the problem?
Friends in Spain say likewise.

A question of space perhaps? Or an innate British self-righteousness?

More likely the truth,
I followed a cyclist for a mile and a half recently because there was no safe place to overtake.
It was a bit exasperating and I can imagine someone in a car taking a stupid risk if they were in a hurry.

Yeah, but in France it’s usually pensioners dressed in the most ott colourfully tight lycra, they’re worth it for the entertainment value…

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And caps, stripy shirts and onions.


Oi! That’ll be me in a few years! :rage:


This^^^ France has more space, thus wider roads.

We could always export all Cycle Fascists across La Manche :grin:

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[Yorks acct] "You were lucky ![/Yorks acct]

A mate of mine used to commute by car daily and his route included the Wantage to Rowstock road (4.8 miles on Google Maps). A few brave cyclists commuted the same way. It was generally busy, but in the absence of a cyclist a train of cars could manage it at a steady 40-50mph.

It was windy enough, though, and busy enough in the opposite direction that getting past a cyclist usually meant you had to be fewer than 7 or 8 cars behind him as you left Wantage. Otherwise you sloooowly, sloooowly got closer to him over the distance, which you covered at maybe 12mph.

Used to drive my mate mad.

That was my route for many years and my frequent experience too. The best thing for both motorists and cyclists was opening the cycle path.
Mind you it never bothered me all that much since they were going to work, unlike those on the even narrower and windier B4507 downs road to Swindon.

Space and roads. I worked in France for 4 years and some D roads around me were wider and better surfaced than the A417 here in Oxfordshire. Also far less traffic.
In fact it was in France that I last rode my bike without feeling I was getting in the way and inconveniencing others which is why I stopped doing it here.


Did you clad yerself in ridiculously tight lycra and pose like a TdF wannabe?

No, I just tucked the right leg of my jeans into my sock


So Tuesday nights I take the lad to his parkour club and bring him home. The same time I’m coming home the local peloton is clogging up the roads like winnets on a poorly wiped arse.
I don’t mind slowing and waiting to safely overtake, that’s ok even though a roadies life is worth less than a 10 day rotted badger carcass.
What boils my piss is their inability to stop at the roundabout onto my estate. Just because they don’t want to stop and unclip. I now tend to navigate the roundabout quite slowly as I’ve nearly had a couple of the suicidal cunts decorating the front of my car. If I can time it right and make the fucker slow right down to a wobble then I’m a happy man. If I get swearing and fist shaking, it’s even more gratifying.
I hate riding on roads and roadies are a special kind of tapped wanksocks.

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My personal favourites are the skidmarks who come barreling down the footpath, clatter you onto the south circular and then shout a cheery “thank you!” over their shoulder.

a) like I had a choice

b) clearly my life is worth less than your convenience

Although in fairness you’re terribly polite.

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I hate adult cyclists on the pavement. I live on a one-way system with money spent on facilities for cyclists and a clear route for them to use. No thats not for them, they have to use the pavement outside my front door to save them 400m. They expect you to move as well so me and my partner when out just make sure we fill the pavement so they have to dismount.

As a couple who have never driven, they can’t even play that card.

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I had a muppet on a bike ride into me when I was on a zebra crossing near the OXO tower. Had just had an operation on my shoulder so I was in agony, twat bike rider started shouting at me when I was flat on the floor so a builder working on the other side of the road picked up his bike and threw it over a fence :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


When I worked in Bankside I walked into a huge confrontation between a banksman (who was guiding an effing big artic loaded with steel) and a cyclist.

The banksman was trying to keep the cyclist from getting killed, but the cyclist was insisting that it was his right to go the wrong way down a one-way street and into the path of the lorry.

The banksman eventually lost it and just decked the cyclist.


Can’t see the word “decking” without remembering this joke:-

"Some chump in an orange apron in B&Q just asked me if I wanted decking…

Fortunately I got the first punch in."

It made me laugh.