....more armchair politics (Part 2)

Or in a lot of cases, draughty/cold leaky buildings despite asbestos being everywhere.

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After the BBC pulling out over the briefing notes issue, I hope this is the major broadcasters saying 'We can’t really be seen to turn down an interview with a former PM but we know you are only trying to use us to flog your book, so fuck off"


I’m watching it on ITV just now, the man has a self belief far beyond his abilities. His arrogance combined with the power and influence he still has is actually frightening. Nothing is his fault. Everyone else is wrong.

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A chippy proletarian writes. For old Etonians the rest of us are not quite human.

Looks like she didn’t really understand the politics of Politics

Or wanted it for breakfast , lunch and downtime

Just watched the Remain political advert - not on purpose, it just came on while I was cooking.

What utter shite. Amateur from start to finish, will go down well with the target audience.

Reform? otherwise you’re about 6 yrs late on that one.


Yep, shows how much interest I took

Remain’s campaign was utter shite as well so easy mistake to make.


Nothing to do with Charlotte Owen then?

Seems they’ve refined it down to the very worst. They really are beyond clueless and obviously hell bent on embracing political oblivion.


Just setting the stage for yet another nastier/nazier Boris Johnson reboot a year or two down the line…

So it seems… just imagine if they end up making Reform look like the moderate option :poop:

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Given the remaining choices they are trying to make Reform the competent option.

In the meantime the country’s best known liar lies about it

while Reform man eventually tells the truth (not the whole truth, of course)

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Thanks, Russia…

I feel contaminated just seeing those links, damned if I’m clicking on 'em! :-1:

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Being dim, I often luxuriate in dim thunkin’ like… If Russia can run rampant with disinformation and divisive tactics all over the western world how come the west hasn’t got bot farms running amok and doing the same to Russia? Have MI5 and the CIA shrunk or summin?