More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

Try tapping the body of the starter with a hammer, if it turns over good indication the starter needs replacing


Glow plug pre heater, or electronic sensor, for allowing firing?
Something like this

Do you mean turn of the key? So turn the key to start, nothing, turn back to off. Repeat x 30.

Like that?

When you turn the key do you hear any relays clicking?

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Yes nothing, sounds like a relay when I turn it
Once I’ve managed a half attempted turn over I know it will start, but takes another 10,20 or 30 turns of nothing

As I say once it’s warm and I turn the ignition off, it will restart with first turn

I took my wife’s Nissan Almera, to the Nissan dealer, and they did a full computer test for £50, and I fixed the fault they found. Try that.

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sounds like the starter motor grease is getting too thick in the cold

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Yes will get it to a mechanic in the next week or so

Ah I get what you mean now - I had this exact same problem with a Ford Ranger usually it started first thing ok but when restarting after a short ten minute stop the turning the ignition key waiting for the glow plug light to go out - turning the key - Nothing then after 10 - 20 turns of the key it would fire up.
Our mechanic said knowing it wasn’t the starter motor or battery it was almost certainly a failing connection in the ignition switch - He said people put a separate starter switch in rather than go through the key change malarkey

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I did wonder if it was the ignition barrel, but it starts fine when not cold which I guess would eliminate that

You’re used WD-40 everywhere?

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Is he ? Last time I met him, admittedly in a service station car park, I don’t recall him smelling like WD-40 at all :wink:.



Via Euronews: John Dillermand: Danish children’s TV show gets mixed reviews of protagonist with a giant penis

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What a bummer.


This cheered me up on a pretty inauspicious morning.



Now that is a sinkhole.

Naples. Either all the bodies that the Camorra buried under the car park have dissolved away or the geology is on the move again (Pompeii to Naples just 15 miles) …


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I’ll go for the former.

Simple humour is always the best.


Not what I was expecting :rofl::rofl::+1: