More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

Is that Mike Atherton in the centre?


Might be. I donā€™t think he was drafted to the IPL so a cash-in-hand gig might be just the thing.

One holding the guitar is liberace, maradona mash up

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Sadly, that is Neil Warnock in an afro wig. Donā€™t be fooled by the false eyebrows.


Maradona is all about the keyā€™s

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I remember that campaign well. It occurred during my formative political years. My mateā€™s uncle was an Labor MP, as was my Physics teacher. At different times, both went onto be the leader of the South Straya Labor party.
It was breath of fresh air but all too brief.

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Not a great look for the met at Clapham

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Definitely one of those illegal demos the police should turn a blind eye to. Then again the Met arenā€™t exactly renowned for their intellect or tact.

+1 The Met are dumb (city are cunts) itā€™s stupid to try and control a protest like that, why the hell canā€™t they just stand back and ensure safety, rather than enforce their ignorance.



PC Savage reasonsšŸ˜

Oh Iā€™ve fought coppers in my time, many time nose to nose punch ups in stupid squaddie fights but on the whole they used to be very smart.Iā€™ve lost count the amount of times when I was cunted and they drove me back to camp and were very nice about it.

What is lacking these days is the lack of individual intelligence, being a copper is reading the situation and reacting to that, not that stupid exhibition above.

Sadly, that level of autonomy is now lost in a sea of regulation, lack of motivation, and self preservation.


Well put.

I like to think itā€™s still there in the majority, most coppers are fantastic.

We deal with both Met and BTP on a regular basis. I admire your optimism.

Have the courage of your convictions man :slightly_smiling_face:

The standard of the Bobbie has fallen off a cliff.