More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

Career highlight: being only slightly more unfunny than Rory McGrath.

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Early in his career he was actually bloody good, but as the years have gone by he has gone pretty far off the rails - his ā€˜beliefsā€™ are a really confusing and entirely incompatible spectrum from far Left to far Right - so deranged that I can only attribute it to the pain medication heā€™s been on for years.
Certainly not a person to take seriously at any level.

Perhaps someone should take his Twitter account away before he gets himself into trouble.

Already be done once before but was restored on appeal.

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Fuck me, all the right wing loons on there.

Glad you mentioned that. Iā€™ve only seen his early stuff and was having trouble reconciling that with some more recent tweets Iā€™ve seen from him, like the above. Was wondering whether he was just trolling or something. Didnā€™t realise heā€™d gone off the rails, but makes sense

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Heā€™s either as mad as a box of frogs or knows what heā€™s doing.
Iā€™m going with the frogs.

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Dai Lama (@WelshDalaiLama) June
17, 2021




Been following him for a while now. Always entertaining. Especially loved the stuff about the skate park in Swansea :rofl::rofl:

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He does come away with some great patter.

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The Lama is at it againā€¦


Unfortunately the MiL has immediately grokked Sonos, Spotify and Spotify Connect and has turned into a ninja opera menace overnight :grimacing:


You might want to put a lock on the cutlery drawer. (This is a stunning performance, by the way.)


Whereas thisā€¦


Do not disrespect The FFJ - fucking Ledge.

Not sure who warrants that as a strapline.

You, obvs :grin: