Motoring horrors aka Edd wants

Needs a spoiler/wing

Needs a fucking car crusher.


It’s already spoiled. :woozy_face:

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I feel this belongs here…

Ex military hummer pickup. So much want, shame it’s so spendy to import mahoosive cars


Perfect for the new career. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

If you actually want it on deck shipping is not too bad.

Wow. Sitting next to a properly running, not smoking RX 8!!



All the magic in one :heart:

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Have you bought a horsebox? Is dobbin inside?

Don’t, just fucking don’t.

Seriously, the people who sell horses are the amongst biggest cunts on the planet.

We’ve arranged to go and view 8 now, and every time we check with them before we leave to travel not inconsiderable distances, we get, “Oh, sorry, it’s already sold/I’ve changed my mind I’m keeping it/ no, you can’t have a vet check it over(!) “ and, once, and I shit you not, “It’s died, sorry.”

Not fucking well once has any of the cunts bothered to tell us before we checked to make sure that our pre-arranged appointment to see the fucking nag is now unnecessary, which with kids at school/college and Claire at work requires a bit of logistical jiggery pokerey to nail down.

It was really funny the first time, but ffs, how hard is it to text or DM? Cunts.




You aren’t the sort of person they want to sell to. You need to rename your kids Jemima and Tafetta and arrive in a Range Rover


Twenty. Three. Grand.

It’s for sale HERE if you feel you can’t live without it.


Jaysus wept ! I love a Volvo coupe. But, How Much ??

In fairness, it’s one of the cheapest things in the dealer inventory.

OK, I have no issue with 450K for a Phantom, but a 23K Volvo ? Shit. A. Brick.


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Granted. But would you ?

Me? No. The thing is, when was the last time you saw one full stop, let alone a minty fresh RHD one? I suspect they won’t get full asking price but twenty grand is probably doable.

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Oh yes.