That will be perfect for the MiL. Let me know when you finish the knitting and I’ll transfer the money
Fixt, but you couldn’t afford it…
They are all good , my fave is queen of the minor key
I would love letters from sinners and strangers released on vinyl,very much
Me too, but it has never been released.
Although it is on Signature Sounds who released her other stuff on vinyl so all things are possible!
Well I have bought Sinners and Strangers, Sea of Tears and Queen of a Minor Key.
So very, very true. Maybe we could come to some arrangement - installments, perhaps?
No problem! I would be willing to do the job over several weeks, knitting needle by knitting needle, but would need payment upfront. I may need as much as 19.50 Euro to buy a recently advertising record collection if a bidding war breaks out with @MGOwner
This could work, though I have already bid £20 for the collection. I may forgo the records and just bid for the shelving if we could come to a suitable arrangement. Indeed, I may change the target completely as the MiL is a decent old girl but my mother, on the other hand…
They are playing at The Stables MK near me in Feb. Just bought a couple of tickets. Only £10 each and I quite liked the last album.
Will be my first jazz gig Nice…
I might have a look later. MK’s not that far from here. I have all their albums. I like their “slightly” edgy style.
Due February 2017
Pre-ordered this yesterday, Due February some time
Fleet Foxes new record in June
Mastodon and Goldfrapp tomorrow.
I have issues, I know.
That’s certainly a novel pairing.
Just downloaded both of them via Spotify.
I shall be producing a breathy electro pop death metal megamix at work today.
Or Nightwish as it is known.
LCD Soundsystem…
He’s certainly talking it up!