New for 2020

Considerng the quality of the rest of my life they were some of the best times I had. :smiling_imp:


But if you have Tidal you really only need to rip the albums that aren’t in their library.

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Yep, this could be what makes it viable.

Thinking about trying to make something enormous. Partly for willy waving, and also because it’s part of our agreement for moving to France that no objections come forth on aesthetic grounds


And exactly how many hours have you spent on here?



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New amp (solid state, budget around £2k, suggestions on a postcard please)

Potentially completely different living room set up (boom boxes remain in other rooms)

New thing to occupy my time June 30th or before - decided that’s the drop-dead (hopefully not literally) date for pulling the ripcord on being a desk jockey wage slave.


I ripped all my Cds while lstening to music and posting crap on here.

Won’t be buying any new gear (mock away Crimson Donkey :fu:) but I do want to send my Tact Millennium amp back to Denmark for a MK 4 upgrade (before they stop offering it) but I need to source a suitable shipping box as it is massive and stupidly heavy and ripe for getting fucked in transit. :weary:

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I actually enjoyed doing mine as only have a couple of hundred and ended up listening to cds I forgot about

Hopefully a big OLED TV… which might mean a 4K AV amp upgrade too…


Secondhand Tact Millennium - unbelievably good if you are all digital.
If you can find one of course - took me nearly 20 years!!

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Potentially new house, probably down towards the south coast, but realistically that’s more likely 2021 or 22.

I almost never listen to a ripped cd from start to finish, but I do put the entire library on random play quite often. Get to hear songs I’d never play otherwise.

I’ve been waiting for you to move yours on.

Geez, get on with it! :smile:

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A Roon Nucleus is the thing I want to sort in the next few weeks. Working out what my resident review speakers should be will take a bit longer.

I’ve got six of the bastards in my hallway for HFC so contain yourself and I’ll give you a heads up.



If you could remind me of where you live and when you go out to the supermarket that would be handy too :+1:


Have a look on eBay for a used flight case.

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You’ve got some ls3s ? Are they your main speakers now?

I’m hoping to get some Spendor Sa1s a bit later.

No,still have the larger ones
Donna would love me to sell the bigger ones,but I know I’d regret it