Number plates yer da buys

Trades Descriptions Act?


Tenuous spelling of car and inexplicable BMW M-car badge?

Fixt .


FWIW, J29 Supra / BMW Z4 are fundamentally the same car, developed as a joint project.


Wow how did I miss that link?! What a pillock :grimacing:

Hardly. They’re not the most obvious team-up of manufacturers, and let’s face it, the car hasn’t exactly been a huge hit in the UK - aaaaand putting an M-badge on what is still a Toyota is a douche move, so certainly inexplicable in the wider sense :ok_hand:


Appreciate the support! Apparently BMW sold 17.5k Z4s in its 2019 launch year (almost twice the number of Boxsters sold by Porsche!) but I can’t ever remember seeing one in the road… Supra definitely a more memorable design IMO!

Complete tangent but saw the Fairlady Z in the States and feel sad it didn’t make it to the UK


I read the actual words fine but was expecting a thread or gopping tableware


Could be another good thread to launch…

There ya go, had no idea that existed - looks good, but the sports market in the UK is negligible, and with Brexshit fucking things up further: This is why we cannot have nice things…

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If only the forum had thread categories to make that sort of thing clear.

Team ups have been happening for years, partly to try and spread development costs over as many sales as possible (why you get engine swaps like BMW/JLR going on as well). Nails the

idea that the UK is a significant enough market to warrant special attention when you need to do swapsies to make things viable on a global level.

Pah, why would I pay attention to such trifling details as that? :rofl:

This classy lady lives around the corner from me;


Where does Dan live?

In the same house. It routinely potters around with children in so I assume he doesn’t exclusively finish in the manner implied. Since this pic was taken (by my son incidentally because I was driving; “Why am I taking a pic Dad?- No reason, just DO IT”), this plate has been replaced by one with the correct spacing as I assume Plod took umbrage with the wonky one.


My friend has YL10 NEL.

One of his neighbours observed that it would be a good plate for someone called Lionel.

Take a wild guess at the name of my friend. :grinning:


I work near Mayfair and you often see Chris Eubank Junior and Senior illegally parked somewhere. Junior’s registration is EU13 ANK. Senior’s is KO1.