I’ll have the 'plate… Not so keen on the jam jar!
Looks like it has featured in a Japanese porn movie.
I saw SU59ECT on the M1 today.
The Lambo Urus this morning XY URUS where the first U was actually 11 with a strategically placed nut seemed a bit, err, desperate.
(not actually “XY”, I can’t remember what the tit’s initials were)
I saw that in Croydonshire the other day…
Kind of a burnished orange colour? It was difficult to miss.
Yes, that’s the kiddie! Problem is, I ran it’s 'plate through the DVLA Check and no details come up… When I input XX as the first characters, it comes up as a white Audi!
I’ll try to remember exactly what it is if I see it again.
It didn’t actually have “drugs for sale” written down the side but I think that was the basic message.
Finally saw my first 25 plate! Yes, I actively watch out for these things
It was on a Ford “Capri”