
When you talk about comebacks, none match his, IMO.


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CLast year when he went in for surgery, I was expecting him in the pit lane within weeks. This is the aura which this man created.
Nasty, aggressive, rude, charming, friendly and helpful all in one. But most of all driven and courageous.

RIP Niki. R.I.P.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: 2019 Formula One

This is sad.

I’ve seen Alabama 3 2 or 3 times. Always good live.

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Thought they were excellent at chagstock

They were. I also saw them as the full band at the Looe fest a couple of years ago & they were spectacular (& very different)

My girls loved this book when they were small. When they had kids they made sure they had copies.

Judith Kerr, beloved author of The Tiger Who Came to Tea, dies aged 95


Once again Newsthump’s obituary (as for Keith Flint) gets it spot on.


Hadn’t seen the Keith Flint one before but, yes, spot on.

Murray Gell-Mann had just died. A major contributor to theories on quarks, strangeness and stuff. I loved his book the Quark and the Jaguar.

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A major contributor indeed. He helped push particle physics forward at a really dynamic time in the history of the subject. He didn’t mind blowing his own trumpet, but he had a sense of humour too which allowed him to get away with saying outrageous things. He was the one who paraphrased Newton’s ‘shoulders of giants’ statement when he said “If I can see so far, it is because I am surrounded by midgets”.

He ran a large research group and I think he was the person who was the subject of the following exchange. The group’s hierarchy would have had the graduate students at the bottom, and Gell-Mann may not have had the time to supervise them all closely. Apparently as the top man he had them address him as ‘Professor Gell-Mann’. But when they finally got their PhDs this would have been marked by some celebration and their status would change. In front of the crowd Gell-Mann was supposed to have said to some John Doe, “Now you have your PhD, John, you can call me Murray”, to which the other man replied “and now I have my PhD you can call me Dr Doe”.



2 more just died on everest 
 anyone ever seen the film everest ? gives you an idea why folks die

well worth watching

Yes, I really had no idea why until I’d seen it.


A woman at work used to have this 'motivational poster above her desk.



The founder of L`arche died recently , Jean Vanier , we had one of their communities near us in South London and remember their work

Vanier founded L’Arche in 1964 in response to the treatment that people with learning disabilities faced in institutions. There are now more than 150 L’Arche communities in 38 countries around the world, where more than ten thousand people with and without learning disabilities create places of welcome and celebration, sharing in life together.

There are 12 L’Arche Communities in the UK.


Just seen this over on Wigwam.


Blimey. Totally out of the blue.

Yeah I saw that on the Wam.
Just shows you life’s too short, crack on and enjoy it.


He had a long hard fight with cancer so RIP.