Olive oil faff and other bread lubricants

That makes three of us.

I can eat them but I don’t enjoy them.


I’m going to have to try and get some really good stuff here!

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Not true I’m afraid, the shelf life of an opened (or transparent) bottle of EVOO at its best is pretty short.

Obviously if you live in the arse end of nowhere, one has to compromise on shelf life considerations :wink:

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Nein. Narelle’s family supply us all required “fresh” olive oil.

Yes, I haz the smug.

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Lol, there’s always common ground :rofl:


Oh well.

You learn nothing from life if you think you’re right all the time. I stand corrected.

Truth is, “fresh” is weeks from pressing. Often days. The difference is stark. You can get some oil that will taste OK for longer, but if you want the best, fresh is the ONLY way.

I’m using the same 5litr oil as you Paul, and it keeps till it’s finished :joy:

as apposed to good.

Got 5 ltrs of this from a small, family run olive grove, in Sardinia, and it was fantastic.
£50 but I can’t get anymore.

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Nice. But how long ago was it pressed, and how long will it take to use it ?

It was a month old, when I got it, and it was all gone in three months.
It was decanted into 5 one ltr bottles, kept in a cool, dark place.

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In reality, pretty much impractical for most of us then.


Not trying to piss on folks’ parade but, unless it’s pressed and used within weeks, it’s not at it’s best.
It will be serviceable but poor.

For most of my culinary life I was under the illusion that it kept, but after tasting the difference between corporate and fresh, the difference is elemental.

There are small producers in Calabria who will export small quantities (Brexit permitting). These oils are a World apart from what most people will experience, and are worth every penny.

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See above :rage:

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That’s about as good as it will get.

Did you notice any drop in fruitiness after the first month ?

Sad, but true.

Gawd, this could be the basis of a whole new forum like bobistheoilguy.com/forums/

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We all have our specialities.

I don’t want to know about your onlyfans subscriptions. Especially ones that involve lubrication. :grimacing: