Olive oil faff and other bread lubricants

Onlyfans seems up front and present in your mind at the mo :thinking:

One wonders why youā€™re paying so much attention. Looking for suggestions?

Just sayinā€™

No I didnā€™t. I didnā€™t notice much change, at all.
As much as I use, I canā€™t afford expensive, and I think that is unnecessary faff for me.
Trying to keep stuff that is only weeks old, is impossible.
Donā€™t they only press in October, or thereabout, so how do you get freshly pressed oil, only a week or so old, year round?

Ok, well my (purchased in Oct!!!) EVOO + sea salt + very slightly warm fresh bread (sacrilege - I donā€™t usually cut it until it has fully cooled!) is magnificent.


The culmination of this thread is growing your own, and then arguing about techniques and times of harvesting and pressing.

Looking forward to it. :grinning:


In Calabria they press (in some parts) twice a year but yes, itā€™s only at itā€™s best for a very short period. Peopleā€™s expectations need to be managed.

OK, so freshness is a bit of a moot argument in the UK then ?

For the most part, yes.

I refer the honourable member to the answer I gave a few moments agoā€¦

ā€œPeopleā€™s expectations need to be managed.ā€

I can make no further comment until the ā€˜Olive Oil reportā€™ is published.


Fuck off Mike :rofl:

I can report that Brutus went up to Mount Olive but Popeye kicked his head in

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When will it go to press?


Thatā€™s down to Pressida Dick


Just looked at the EV olive oil Iā€™m using right now. Use by date is May 22, and itā€™s probably a year old. Seems fine.

You can put this thread on ignore now. :grinning:

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Extra Virgin Olive Oyl? Yeah, rightā€¦

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It would be such a shame to be banned from such a new thread.

Nothing Extra Virgin there

Iā€™m going to say thatā€™s as far as went looking in the Olive Oyl fandom world, but Iā€™d be lying. Itā€™s amazing where you can end up after about 10 clicks or soā€¦ :flushed: