Oracle Delphi MkI/II for sale.
Apologies for the change of model number. Someone who knows more than I do, about the TT, has informed me.
Has an SME IV, Benz Micro Wood SL cartridge, with less than 50 hrs on it, and a Hovland MG-2 phono cable.
Cover is perfect.
I have box for the cartridge.
I don’t know how old the SME IV is. 15 yrs?
I have owned the Oracle for about 20 years.
The only issue is the bulb for 33 rpm does not light up. Turntable works fine at both 33 and 45 rpm.
I think I have a spare power supply, oil, springs, and a spare belt, not new?
Collection only, or AA taxi.
Collection just outside Cambridge.