Oracle Delphi MkII/III SOLD

Oracle Delphi MkI/II for sale.
Apologies for the change of model number. Someone who knows more than I do, about the TT, has informed me.
Has an SME IV, Benz Micro Wood SL cartridge, with less than 50 hrs on it, and a Hovland MG-2 phono cable.
Cover is perfect.
I have box for the cartridge.
I don’t know how old the SME IV is. 15 yrs?
I have owned the Oracle for about 20 years.
The only issue is the bulb for 33 rpm does not light up. Turntable works fine at both 33 and 45 rpm.
I think I have a spare power supply, oil, springs, and a spare belt, not new?

Collection only, or AA taxi.
Collection just outside Cambridge.


That’s a great deal - have you seen the price of SME arms recently? :scream::scream::scream:


PM sent.

On hold for @J_B

Hi Greg, due to the problem with the car and the uncertainty about how much it’s going to cost me and when I am going to be able to collect from you, I think it’s best if you put it back up for sale. Apologies for messing you around.


No problem.
Hope you get things sorted, cheaply and quickly.

Thanks Greg.

Hi Greg can you pm me a contact number please

Hi -

Is this still available please?


Yes, it is.

Thanks - not sure how to send a pm on this site - is it possible?

click on his avatar/name and choose ‘message’

Doh!:+1: thanks!
