I’ve been looking at other amplifiers for my 15" Monitor Golds, the Bantam Stealth is doing a great job so far but I feel there are much better options out there!
I’d prefer a solidstate amp just as it gets left on quite a bit, or risk of being left on when the Wife is using it. I’m planning on keeping the ATC CA2 pre so only need a power amp but could move on to get something special if integrated.
For a somewhat compact amp with a higher output impedance (low dampening factor) that would be a good match I’ve found the following, with a budget of around £500, maybe more if I can sell a few odd unused bits.
I’ve seen lots of comments online that Firstwatt/Pass would be great but ruled out mainly down to budget but also most seem to be Class-A so maybe not great when left on for long periods of time. The other seem to be Bakoon but again, lots well out of my budget but their cheaper offerings still seem quite expensive when factoring in VAT/Import and rare second hand in the UK.
Thinking ~20wpc would be more than enough.
Quad 303/306
Clones Audio 25i
Gaincard/Gainclone type amp?
Bantam Gold/Monoblocks
Croft Series 7
Schiit Aegir
Bakoon CAP-1001/SCA-7500K