Pass Aleph 2's

Great amplifiers, but I am passing them on as they need re-capping and I have kept them to one side to do in my spare time. They have been waiting over a year now, I just don’t have the time and won’t get it.

They are just under 30x30x27cm and weigh a chunk. Amazing sounding and Nelson Pass said one of his favourite sounds he ever made. Pure Class-A and they get hot!

There is a pair on a German site with the matchin pre and phono for €6300.00, I think the last pair of amps only I saw sell in the UK for around £2000

I would imagine someone competent wouldn’t charge a fortune to re-cap them, although they are big caps, the amps are incredibly simple inside. They work and sound amazing, they just have a buzz you can hear in the background.

£750 can drop off if not to far away but you might have to wait till I am off, or pickup from World’s End near Burgess Hill in Sussex. No boxes, although I have the manual


I’ll take these if still available.


I’ll take these if still available.

Ridiculous bargain…

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I nearly made an insulting offer, then I remembered that I really, really don’t need more hifi, I really, really need more money.

Bloody lovely bargain :+1:

Best just to get the F5 turbo boards then :laughing:

Edit: Alpehs are sold

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