Pizza faff with hypocrisy topping

Hole in door. Can only see pellets in hopper. Once you need a top up you can see a lot of white smoke when you open the hopper lid.

The trouble with the crust puffing up overly is the toppings tend to ā€˜poolā€™ in the center of the pizza. Worst case scenario this makes the center perma-soggy and the outer just bread. Light ā€˜dockingā€™ prevents this. Some bubbles = cool. Too many = central sex pond.

I should have a session like that just to focus on what the burner is doing rather than flinging pizzas at it. I have to use it later this week so will try to have 30 minutes or so without any cooking.

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You can see that once you open the door the flames are out the back and it takes a good five mins before it starts to burn intensely again once door is closed.

He hasnā€™t I hope

Along time ago I posted an off brand flamer guard, will not keep it hotter but gives a much better spread of flame/ heat.

From what Iā€™ve seen personally, been told by friends and read on here Iā€™ve concluded The Ooni and itā€™s rivals are all full of faff and require a lot of practice, patience and a realistic approach.
When you consider what they are trying to emulate itā€™s not difficult to see their problem.

Definitely sounds sensible. Also while 500c is great it isnā€™t essential for a decent pizza. I would experiment with slightly lower temps 400c to see if they are easier to maintain.

Thats in part why I chose the Roccbox, using gas rather than having to faff with pellets and monitoring of the temperature - recognising that some Ooniā€™s are gas too.

What swung me to the Roccbox was what @Ruprecht noted which was the rolling flame over the top of the oven. You can switch on the gas, fire it up and get to 500 deg C in 30 mins and stay there without further faffing.

Obviously what you forgo is wood fired flavouring etc.

No sense that one is better than the other, just different approaches to provide a tool to help you to produce a decent pizza, naan, high temp roast etc

I never noticed any ā€œloss of wood smoke flavouringā€ when I switched to gas. How much wood flavouring will be imparted in 90 seconds?

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Well , tonight will be a final test for the little tin fucker.

Having a soiree with the neighbours later, so this is its chance to shine.

Never be faff-shy and go gas tho.

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Gas is nothing to be feared :roll_eyes:

Youā€™ve clearly never been to one of my installs!


Troo :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:



It wouldnā€™t be difficult would it?

With a fucking Ooni it would.


I think it is good to have you back. Iā€™ve almost missed your vitriolic rants about your own ineptitude. Almost


Tbf, I like your new found rose sniffing better than anything else I have read

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