Pizza faff with hypocrisy topping

Not the meat though?

I could pick that off and Saffy would scoff it, giving me approximately 3 seconds to choke down the pizza in the meantime :joy:

When ive used instant ive used 3g gor that recipe.

Im not sure i could get the weber that jot without pellets

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I will try 3g next time cheers - I have ordered myself a £7.50 infra red thermometer from eBay to help verify the actual temperature. The dough was very tasty - I am pretty sure that the 28g of salt played it’s part as well as the method.

Many thanks to you and Guy for sorting the flour and recipe -The finished dough definitely has much less springback than I was getting with other recipes. It’s still going to take some effort for me to learn to make it round.


Has pizza stone?

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Sorry, nothing to add, I just sensed a disturbance in the Force. Giada’s fascinating tits made an appearance in the thread :heart_eyes:

Homebase still haven’t fucking dispatched my ooni

Probably read your posts



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No faff.

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Automated rolling pin

One of the best pizzas i ever had was from a pizza van with an integral wood fired oven.

The guy took a ball of dough, ran it through a miniature mangle, sort of like a pasta machine, and put the sauce and toppings on and then into the oven for a minute or so.

It turned out great, plenty of bubbles in it, and yes the toppings were applied sparingly.

So, is a mangle, rather than a rolling pin, the answer?

The answer is to start with a dough that enables you to stretch or spin it out without it either tearing or springing back, and therefore doesn’t require rolling.

Failing that, being prepared to be pragmatic and get the rolling pin out.

Or for ultimate faff you could stick to your dogma and keep binning the dough until you finally get it right :+1:


From the recent posts re rolling v stretching, it looks like the best method is a bit of both - by using a small roller with a handle just to roll the middle, leaving the edges still puffed up.

The pizzas done like this in the youtube vid looked the best by far :heart_eyes:

As usual, compromise FTW. :smiley:

And no, Jim, they don’t do one that has two platters rotating in different directions.

Fuck you & fuck the roller you rode in on


Love the new thread title :grinning:


I have just collected the flour from the UPS collection point, many thanks Guy. It’s just a shame that one of Wayne’s bags split slightly :rofl:

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Didn’t they try to deliver it to your house?