Quick one from the dork to the techies

Try it, by all means, but the only setting remotely suited to your cartridge is the +26 dB one.

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I think if I sold the sut and bought a 1:10 it’d still be loud through the phono.

That’s a different issue. The first thing to do is get the right impedance/gain match between cart and sut for ‘sound’ reasons.

Le sigh

one he replaced the transformers that he ‘modded’ a little too much :rofl:

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Everyone seems to pair these together. Well, a few. I might try the phono on mc mode tomorrow for a laugh

Without wanting to stir cross forum mocking, how many adverts? On my phone the actual text was 80% down the page. Makes Enjoy The Music look like a workers collective newsletter…

Yeah it’s crazy!

Nice thread title edit haha

At two grams it’s enough to dig deep

Reviews, sigh.


My response was to Bob not you

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Isn’t it rabskis review?

Attenuators arrived. Will try with sut on both settings with first.

They’re -15db too, not -16

Tbh if the sut in the ear is 1:10 I might just go back to that and flog the hashimoto. I can barely be arsed with all this faff nowadays and just want to put records on and listen to music :slight_smile:

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You have found the right forum. :+1: Maybe branch out into coffee faff, shaving faff or baking faff?

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Got the attenuators in and sut on 20x

Can get to 12 o clock without it being unbearable now. Got new gold dream spinning. :slight_smile:
Will try without the sut and attenuators later.

Doesn’t sound greatly different without the step up, but still have to use the attenuators as the gain is massif. Far more control without the sut though

I think I can live with how it sounds , and now it’s on 1:10 that is nice to know. Flog the step up I guess, anyone want it before eBay?