Replying to topics/threads

Hi there,
Not sure what’s happened, but for some reason I only seem to be able to reply to individual members on threads, and not to the general thread.
The box to type in that usually appears at the bottom of a thread is no longer there until a reply to a specific member.

Any clues?

Cheers, Rob.

For instance, I can only post on this thread if I reply to myself?

So that blue box doesn’t appear for you? Can you screenshot for me please?

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The mobile interface has changed slightly. This is the button you want


Brilliant I had quite literally just figured it out :+1:.

Thank you :pray:.

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Same here, except that I have a smaller reply button with a curly arrow instaed of a button marked ‘Reply’.

This change occurred yesterday afternoon following a short time when the site was unreachable.

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The fun of evergreen deployment/development.

Causes all sorts of fun when Microsoft change/move things around for some of our customer group at work. Made even more challenging as they don’t always deploy stuff to everyone on our tenancy on the same day.

I wish they’d stop changing the Teams interface. Every Fucking. Week.

Make the POS work properly instead of fucking with the interface you cunts.


Motto: “If it ain’t broke … break it.”


Great times when it just randomly reboots itself with one of its shitty updates when you’re in the middle of something

Yep, had that many times.

And hard to explain to our special set of customers that we have no influence over what Microsoft does, and when they do it despite the millions we spend with them on licences.

ITYM “if it ain’t broke, fix it till it is”