Robs little Birthday bash Sunday 03/03/19

Hi guys,

I’m going to have a small bake off on Sunday 03/03/19.
Room for 10 people, be great if you could make it.

11am - 6pm



  1. @Rick
  2. @Navigator
  3. @spider + possibly a significant other :slight_smile:
  4. @belloire
  5. Lee ‘Setting Son’
  6. @Mickyricky
  7. @DiveDeepDog
  8. @SCIDB
  9. @maverick
  10. @rmsshipbroker


  1. Thickcables
  2. Soulman
  3. barneysdad

Yes please.
Me and most likely Kate

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Please Rob

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Was just about to offer myself up when janbald pointed out that our first grandchild is due on the 1st March.

So better not I guess. Put me first on the subs bench in case the little lady is early / late.


LOL no worries :slight_smile:

Yes please Rob.

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me please matey

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Well that was quick.

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Not surprised, wish I was nearer and could have taken a chance with the DIL due to calve.


Wasn’t it? I there were 5 spaces left when I went to check with Claire what we were doing that weekend, cos it’s Laurens birthday on the 1st, and by the time she finished telling me that, basically, nothing (because Lol is going to a nice Italian restaurant with her mates, and we’re not invited), you were full up.

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Sorry mate. I really need to buy a bigger house or build an extension!

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Bench pls.

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not setting up a boat / garden system then?

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Well if you feel the urge to venture outdoors…

Subs bench please Mate

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I’ve seen your garden :zipper_mouth_face:

Yes, we call it the ‘Industrial look’.

post apocalyptic you used call it before it got all gentrified :rofl:

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I’ll have you know that our back garden is at the cutting edge of middle class bohemian flair.

You got a strimmer for Xmas then :wink:

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