Roon redux

Music’s a broad church

This is bloody flakey software.
Kept blank screening, I thought it was when I minimised the window but even when I left it open and moved to another window when I came back I had a blank screen.
After my last experience with video drivers I checked for updates and found a W10 update ready to download.
Installed this and it fixed the problem.
Got 12 trial days left, It is pissing me off enough not to bother, and at the price it should not piss me off at all, it is not like I am buying an Alpha Romeo ffs.

I do like the bio articles and the library integration though :thinking:

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I’m unclear how they’ve managed to make a comparatively simple job this flaky (and resource hungry).

There’s clearly a lot of code so I either couldn’t write it on my own or it would take a (very) long time, but I’m confident that as part of a fair standard-sized team I could make a much more reliable job of it.


They are hiring. You should apply and sort it out for them.

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Software doesn’t get this messed up by accident, it looks like a cultural problem to me.

And fixing cultural problems isn’t my speciality.

Well, talking to people in general isn’t my speciality.

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You could show them this.

Forum strapline etc.

I have to be honest, if I wasn’t testing a busload of things with USB inputs, I wouldn’t have bothered. It still amazes me how good the nigh on decade old Naim ND5XS that is now upstairs is in terms of its ui and general operation (takes on the sonic performance don’t really apply here). If I was spending my own money*, I don’t think I’d have gone all in.

*I did spend my own money on a Nucleus but that was still a business purchase and done to take the load off my laptop.

No it hasn’t.
Fuck you Roon, That has decided me, I won’t be bothering


LOL - I got as far as getting it to enumerate some files, and I think it could play something back if you really frigged it with the debugger, then I got a job.

Jan '17. Given what the job turned out to be I should have stuck to Android :grimacing:

Seems Roon has now managed to blow its own website up. Tidal and Qobuz can’t be accessed but material previously added to your library can. Qwality stuff.

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This outage does not appear to be Roon’s fault. See here:

Roon and others use Google Cloud Services. Effectively Google’s servers seem to have sharted all over the place and the cleanup is taking a while. All the other stuff is Roon’s fault mind…

It’s ironic that half the point of cloud services is availability, resilience etc. but when the entire thing craps out underneath you you’re both stuffed and powerless to fix it.

It’s not just Google, AWS and Azure suffer from the same class of total toes-up as well.


After going to an actual hi-fi shop the other day I’m currently considering (re-re-)installing Roon. It was funny to see the traditional demo rooms replaced effectively by a bank of PCs running Roon with piles of desktop DACs lying around. (my favourite was the Chord Dave - sue me).

The computing landscape in my house has changed a lot since March - the desktop PC and desktop speakers are gone. I have a laptop that is basically a juke box. And I do a lot more headphone listening.

The NUC I bought to be a Core is gone, but I believe I still have a Roon license until February or March so I could give it another crack. using the laptop as Core and endpoint.

I suspect that it will just annoy me again just before it completely shits itself and I uninstall it in disgust.

@Kevin did you end up giving it the bum’s rush? What (if anything) are you using as a player now?

OK, I just read back up thread and saw how annoyed I got with it last time.

I think I shall eschew going back there.


You can even sub monthly now!



I have/had some half-baked cock-eyed plan involving this

which amongst other things is a Roon endpoint.

Do it. We have the best Chord technical support around :smiley: on here.


He’s already been flagged as a troublesome customer from the roon rants.