Shiny brand new second hand cars in your driveway

Bugger - it wasnt loading when I posted

That’ll probably be my civil servant firewall with all the anti–cunt features enabled

(I do like the colour though)


Lovely car in a great colour and now you can park like every other cunt in a BMW

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TBH, I’ve always parked like a cunt anyway, amazing it’s my first BMW really…


Does it have the optional indicators?

Who cares? :wink:


Not, you’ll be unsurprised to hear, mine.

Mate’s full-on midlife crisis.

Go big or go home I guess.

I’ll be inviting myself to his some time in the new year to cadge a ride.

Although given his lead foot and the couple of near-misses I’ve had with him, that may be a decision I come to regret.


How many points on his license right now, and who wants to guess how many in 6 weeks time? :sweat_smile:

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Lovely retro Austin Allegro steering wheel tribute as well. :wink:


I don’t believe I have ever seen "lovely " and “Austin Allegro” used in the same sentence before.


‘It was lovely to see the back of my cursed Austin Allegro as I watched it slide into the jaws of the crusher…’


^Love the colour of that posh Fiat^

Just back from Kings Lynn with the new car - if you had to choose the nastiest weather in the worst traffic, and after dark, to do so, today would be a contender - but the bloomin’ thing is a joy to be in.

Feels much more ‘luxo-barge’ than I expected (no complaint) given the emphasis on how much of a ‘sporty’ drive BMWs are supposed to offer, and not least because this one turns out to have had more of the ‘M Sport’ options list ticked than I realised, including supension and 19" wheels - but despite all that it’s an extremely comfy, quiet car to be in, even on S.Lincs mudslimed, lumpy, potholed roads.

Nice, Very Pleased. Should be ideal for its intended use :ok_hand:

Forgot to get any pics, but will try and remedy that if anything like daylight ever happens…


That’s the best feeling.

Whatever it is being a significant outlay, and you’re not 100% sure, then after a while realising that you made the right decision :ok_hand:

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Surprising, they must have changed on the later cars. The ride on the last beemer I had with M Sport suspension, 19" rims and run-flats was harder than a priest on viagra. :smirk:

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80% of that is the shitty run-flats. They’re better these days, but still shit.


Yeah, there was a big improvement in ride quality and noise when I ditched them. :+1:

Then again:

Tonight’s commute would have been better with run flats. Cockpunch to Herts CC for their shit roads. :poop::poop::poop:

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:grimacing: Shit, is that the Golf?



Sure doesn’t look healthy :grimacing: