This is more of a cry for help than an exciting system unveil… I rediscovered hifi last year and it’s escalated fast, with some compulsive stock-piling to compare different technologies/applications. I’ve just counted 25 components in total stashed in various locations…is this normal?!
I’m surprised how marginal the differences can be, as was the case when I compared these amps side by side. Maybe it’s my ears, though I have now heard some proper systems when purchasing from forum folk and the gains over my system are very obvious.
Anyway, got a turntable upgrade happening on Saturday and then I should start offloading some stuff to fund a speaker purchase
Says man who changes his gear more often than I change my undercrackers.
Almost everyone on here has been through this hoarding phase, some have never left it but are in denial, so in this limited context, yes.
Eventually, most of us learn to stop kidding ourselves that hifi ‘bargains’ will scratch the itch, and instead get more focussed and concentrate the cash in more capable, more considered systems.
Mrs Bullinachinashop is slowly warming to hifi but still not a fan and the Neats are small enough to get approval.
We’ve just moved and I’ve got challenges with speaker placement and no idea about how to work with the space, so I need to get my head round that before doing much else
Though if some Totem Arros popped up anywhere nearby I’d like to give those a try