Shiny brand new second hand things in my system today V1.2

With Herbie’s damper rings!

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In which case, :beers: @Jim

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EL 34s?

300 is ECL86s

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You’re welcome Mike, but I cannot take the credit - microphony has been around since valves were invented, also presumably, ways of countering it.

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Bugger, misread it as 500.

Get that Jim, but you did remind me that rhey exist and hence was the catalyst for the improvements I am now hearing :slightly_smiling_face:

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I have the previous model (9010) and it is great for very little outlay

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New to me shiny thing


LED could do with taming!

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I’ve been listening to it for hours and it is really is a superb thing. I think Anne snagged it for £70 which is just mental given how good it is.


Totally, bought mine new during covid out of boredom and was surprised by what £200 could get you

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What’s happening with your Luxman Al.?

Thought you were not buying hifi :grinning:

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Typical Modwright. Bet it sounds go though.

I know I’m a bit late to the party here but I have recently realised that optimising what you have can reap massive rewards. The most recent case in point being that I bought an Audio Innovations AI 300 expecting great things, but still preferred my AI Alto, until I recently fitted valve damping rings. The difference isn’t subtle.

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I wasn’t enquiring to buy, I was enquiring coz of concern for a mate reasons.


Only been sat down listening for half an hour or so but very promising so far, was worth a punt at the price.

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It developed an intermittent loss of power in November which I thought was maybe due to a failing valve so I sent it back to Audio Emotion in early December for them to check.

The valves turned out to be fine so they kept testing it and it eventually did the same thing so they sent it down to IAG who deal with Luxman stuff in the UK.

The last I heard was that they have had it running every day since they got it and it has been fine. Of course, knowing my luck, as soon as it comes back to me it will start playing up again.


Yeah, I wondered who snaffled that up - bargain, and then some! Enjoy :+1: