Shit you just learned (probably from the internet.)

They promised us jetpacks, but we are all a bit too old for that now, so air taxis instaed

Celebrating the resurection of the dead, i reckon anything goes. Cheap chocolate next week, cheers Jesus.

Nope, reference to an older translation from Deuteronomy as referenced in Galatians.

No more chinless wonders?

The neck bit will be interesting, AFOs 6 months back had a big moan up as they were all told to shave, moustaches only. This is due to them all having to be CBRN trained and having clean shaven necks for good gas mask seals.

Assuming the army will all have to be CBRN ready too without much notice.

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Whataboutery department: Odin hanging himself from the world-tree Yggdrasil.

In Hungarian, the word for a shark, hiszékeny, translates literally to “sea bastard”

In Odia, the word for an ostrich, ଗୁଲିବଲ୍, translates literally to “war chicken”


I will look no further, I know this is the best thing I will read all day.

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One of the 19 Crimes that would have had you deported to Australia was ‘impersonating an Egyptian’


Mohammed Fayed would have been fucked then


And Wilson, Keppel and Betty

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Suggestions for products that this app might have promoted? Gammon steaks, obvs

Corruption and chips.

Same product line up as the Daily Fail. Incontinence clothing, dodgy investments, fear based insurance etc

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Fixt for accuracy, innit. :grin:


That is so beautiful. You’re a lucky man to be with such a talented, creative woman.

That’s what you told her, right?

Sticks in a jar, but hey…

Edit: I’d post some of the festive horrors I’ve had to appreciate over the years, but, yeah…

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This image popped-up on another forum, on the wall of a forumite’s B&B rental -

Looks kinda satanic, but apparently these confer protection from 5G :crazy_face: :clown_face:

Yes, really.… FFS.


I imagine the telcos sneak them up in hard-to-cover places and then use them to explain to customers why their phone signal is so very weak.

Isn’t that symbol at the bottom the one for ‘Drip dry. Do not iron.’ ?

Looks like whoever put it up had a screw loose (top right).


I have also just learned that Russia uses (or used) old Klimov VK-1 centrifugal jet engines (Frank Whittle era tech) taken from obsolete MiG-15s as snow-blowers…

Despicable though the present regime is, the creative mashup of barbarism and ingenuity ever-present in Russia always engenders my wary respect…


Couple more examples…