
All the best, Dave. Everything crossed for you. :heart:

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Thinking of you Dave

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Best wishes Dave

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Sorry to hear this Dave, take care of yourself and best wishes.


Sounds very difficult. We’re thinking of you. Best wishes.

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Thank you Olaf. I’m not in great pain actually but I don’t have any energy. They have no chemotherapy that can help me and they are going to give me radiation treatment to open up my throat so I can digest things more easily.


Shit, that sounds really fucking hideous tbh. Wishing you all the best for sure.

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Best wishes Dave.

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I really empathise on the lack of energy. I’ve had a terrible time with fatigue since my diagnosis. Have you got brain fog too Dave? The mix of being knackered all the time and not being able to figure out what you’re up to is mega-frustrating. The zero pain thing is huge though as chemo fatigue + pain meds = zombie in my experience. I really hope the radiation sorts things out for you.


Number of us in the hifi community know of your situation Dave.
All send their thoughts & very best wishes to you & yours.


I see Dave on a regular basis and I can confidently say he’s sharp as a pin :sunglasses:


Wish I could say the same for myself sometimes. Good to hear that though.


I’m not sure whether this is appropriate but it seems that @unclepuncle is not a well man. :frowning:

I don’t know him personally but I think that he has abbatoir members in his locality, I’m sure he would welcome any support that anyone can give.

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Yikes. Best wishes to Paul @unclepuncle if he’s watching.

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Yikes indeed. @unclepuncle : adding my best wishes too Paul.

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All the best Paul :+1:

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Best wishes Paul

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Very best wishes to you, Paul @unclepuncle. Thinking of you.

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Thanks for the best wishes guys - long time no see. :joy:

Feel like I am on a NHS rollercoaster at the moment - just this week I have already had two MRI’s a CT scan and four X-Rays. The only good thing is that I am straight to the front of the queue for everything.

Definitely have a large sarcoma mass (rare type of cancer that attacks muscle, tissue and bones) in my pelvis area which is pressing on my bladder.
Had noticed a hard area in my left groin about 6 months ago but it barely hurt at all and the only reason I eventually went to the doctor back in November was because I had a swollen left testicle and I started urinating a lot.
Initially it was misdiagnosed as a possible hernia so it took over 3 months before I got a CT scan which showed the true story. I then got put on the urgent list and had an MRI on my abdomen and pelvis on Monday followed by a meeting with the consultant. She had the images on her computer and showed me the mass - it was big (her words) but well defined which might be a help when they try to surgically remove it.

Unfortunately that MRI scan also showed an area of concern (small lesion) within my proximal left femur bone. I had 3 X-rays on it on Monday straight after seeing the consultant and then was called in for an urgent MRI on it yesterday so presumably there is something unpleasant going on. :open_mouth:

Now I have to wait for the full analysis of all of these scans and blood test which they have a special team for, comprising Northampton, Leicester and Nottingham hospitals. They usually meet on a. Monday so not sure what happens next week with it being Easter?
Consultant said next step would likely be a biopsy (or two) in Leicester to see exactly what we are dealing with and then any treatment plan involving surgery and/or chemo would be in Nottingham.

I feel mainly fine just a bit of a dull ache most of the time.

More importantly Tara was at the vet yesterday having been really lame on her back legs for 24 hours but she is almost back to normal this morning - vet thought it was just the arthritis flaring up so not a serious injury. A course of painkillers for a week and a crash diet required.


Everything crossed for you. Hopefully everything will go well now they are focusing on you.

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