Smart shoes aka Dr Cunties Cunty shoe emporium

You have impeccable taste :confused:

Cheaneys, Trickers and John Lobb. But don’t forget, they’re only fucking shoes so don’t obsess over them :roll_eyes:

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I’ve got to find something that’ll fit first…


I am also looking for a pair of tan brogues.
Due to high instep I nearly always end up with Gibson/Derby.
I will wait for the sales though and probably end up with Cheaney or similar.

Please assure me that none of these shoes are worn with -

Denims, white/pink dress shirt, casual dress jacket with elbow patches or denims, shoes and a Ralph Lauren polo shirt with the collar(s) up :grinning:

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The smartest shoes are simpatico with body mechanics.

Summarise please, I have an attention span that lasts about 17 seconds

OK, surfs had it sussed.

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No contest

Try your local charity shop. They even have shoes people didn’t die wearing them .

Not what you are looking for, but imo this firm have the biomechanics best.

^ Expect it to take time as an adult to re-adjust posture and balance.

Friend with Italianate feet has only ever had hand made. Way to go, if you can afford it.

I tend to wear from Cheaneys, C&J, Foster & sons, Trickers, but mostly from the first three.
Keep meaning to get some fom Loeb, but haven’t got round to it yet.
All on Jermyn St, so easy to see what’s on offer.

There is only one.



^^ You can wear it with jean, slack, chino, short, even avec suit (see Nigel Kennedy or Greengrass).

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Forget Yewtree, I’d go straight to this customer list to catch every sex pest, past or present.


Feckin hell! :flushed: A grand for a pair of shoes. You’re avin a bobble hat n scarf mate…

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Scouse rhyming slang :slightly_smiling_face:

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