Having a clear out so these H6’s are up for sale. Price is £180 collection from Devon (or AA taxi if workable on quickish timescale). They are fully working and still have the orig drivers.
They are just a little tatty (The photos do make them look worse than they are) but still looked good enough in lounge for wife acceptance.
I have made myself up a set of stands to replace the spikes (that could help with initial setup but the orig spikes are easily refitted.
It looks like the front covers have had new grilles but the side/top fabric cover is orig.
Nick cheers for the reply - If you are not sure about them perhaps it’s easier to start if you come and listen here first - I can send my address by PM?
Wayne - I didn’t offer these up to you for the brew place because I didn’t think they would be ideal
for a bar. They are not massively efficient and might struggle with 16W in a largish room
Nope they’re not but yes @Adpully is quite right they’ll struggle with a pair of 300B monoblocks, I’d quite forgotten how they didn’t drive the Ta’us I had
Nope It wasn’t that - The budget I thought was circa £250.
These might just work in a bar but with 80W up them and not 16W.
Good points: They do work well close to a wall and are positionally unfussy and do not have to have the volume turned up for any bass to become apparent.
Bad points from a bar point of view - They are 88/89 db Sensitivity and the orig tweeters might not survive extreme disco bashing.
For a bar I think the ability to play loud, have plenty of bass and survive lots of abuse should be major factors in selection.
Goddamn you Andy… since we swapped speakers, my arse hasn’t left the living room sofa. Not listened to so much music since I can’t remember when… whole days drifting by. My life is falling apart…
you ain’t gettin em back
These were mine Nick, I had them for around 5 years and loved them. I replaced them with an identical but tidier (cosmetically) pair. Unbeatable at the price IMHO.
Yeah they’re excellent. The OBS-Rs that I’ve given Andy are also excellent, but just weren’t working in my new room. The Impulses just sit right in there like they were made for it. As it happens, it turns out a mate of my Dad’s, who’s local, is an expert with veneering things, so I will probably tidy them up.
That’s good to know.
I am using the OBS’s exclusively ATM - They are a little hi-fi for me so I’m using the MiniDSP to filter -2db above 8K which makes them a more easy on the ear.
Believe it or not, Andy, they were if anything a tad soft/dull in my room. But it’s fully carpeted, tons of soft furnishing etc. It’s a comparatively dead space, as opposed to yours, which is very live.
Something that I think a lot of people over-look for a domestic environment, but which can simultaneously help deaden a room a lot while keeping things zen and minimal, is Kilo Serge curtains. I’m just speccing some for my studio room. Usually it comes in black, but I have seen a company doing it in colours. I think it can look great. If you ever go to the Plough Arts Centre, in Great Torrington, you’ll notice how good the acoustic is in the main room there - the whole place is draped in a ton of kilo serge.
And they have lots of treatment up in the ceiling as well. Full respect to them, for a little low-profile arts centre, they’ve paid massive attention to getting the sound right.