I got tax on a vehicle for a month for £50.It was about 18months ago.
kev do you mean insurance?
Yes I got a months insurance.
It seems shit that you can get technically fined by the DVLA when you have actually paid advance tax for but cannot claim back i.e. for part of a month. That seems criminal in itself.
i wonder how much extra revenue DVLA get for the doubled up portions of a months tax they collect?
5% additional revenue every second hand car sale that ownership averages perhaps five years - 1% net extra?
yes the police have no powers to remove vehicles parked on a public highway that are taxed and mot`ed but not insured . absolute pain . in fact no one can remove them until the tax runs out or if they are caught in the act of driving without insurance
we had a trader parking 3 cars outsde a busy nursery for several months . caused huge upset as many thousands of people use facilities within a hundred yards [ right next to a mosque with a thousand worshippers too]
we got councillors , police , trading standards , you name it , we tried it . only when one of the tax ran out could we get them removed .