SOYS: State Of Your System

Photofucket! What arses!

Yeah, they completely shagged a perfectly usable site. You would think they would have seen and learned from the Wam.

There was a photobucket rep registered on the Wam for a while who posted and tried to tell us we were all wrong and it was still a fantastic site as they slowly removed all the features that we used,
In my case organising my albums alphabetically by flie name.
They took that away and rendered it almost unusable overnight.

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How is your Najda 5 way? I didn’t think they could do more than 4…

ooh err


If you could explain it😂

They can be 5 way, if you have the expansion board.
Was a rare thing that Nick made for a couple of years.

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Le shag pad


My Black Sabbath brings all the girls to the yard.


There has been a lot of butt naked girls dancing in this lounge. Not to Sabbath however x

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Ah, yes, see what you mean…


Is that Viagra or std medication? Haha

I like that stripy rug, it adds a splash of colour and fun and is probably what my dull room needs. I have done nothing since setting the speakers up 8 months ago and must find some motivation to fit room treatments and curtains. Oh, and find a better rug!


It’s a bugger when listening to music takes priority over the hobby!


Bang went the Westminster budget!

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I don’t think they’d even fit through my door
Need the national trust estate first

John Lewis £250 x

It malts a kilo of hair daily

Very nice. Speakers look special, what are they?

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