OK, this is odd. When I previously tested the Cambridge Audio A5 with the MiniDSP in the middle I got horrible noise:
Now trying it again:
Sony DVP-S9000ES > MiniDSP > CA A5 > Supravox
I get no noise at all, where as before I had the same issues.
Now I’m really confused!
Decware Zen, input connected and everything on in the house:
Decware zen, inputs and all connected at full volume. by Robert Seymour, on Flickr
And the A5
CA A5 with everything on-connected by Robert Seymour, on Flickr
I was suffering so much with noise before, I had stopped using the MiniDSP and boxed it up!
So I have a seperate issue with the Rega Elicit but not sure why I was having so many issues with the MiniDSP before similar to above and now its gone?