Spirit of the Slaughterhouse: Free Stuff

It’s like a free Blockbusters.

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If you’re really desperate, I think I still have some VHS and Beta tapes somewhere to add in there to add to that ambience :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Also, and more sensibly, I could probably just borrow Claires SMax one day and pop down rather than try and shoehorn it all into a 3 Series…

Beta Pre-recorded are probably worth a good few quid…

Before Lopwell is fine. I’m definitely around the next couple of weekends.

Oooh. Guess I should look and see what might be buried. There would only be a handful of betamax I know after ll these years, the Philips2000 are long gone now :joy:

Quite a few music videos on VHS still, somewhere in the mess.

And you’re welcome down anytime when/if we get anywhere with this. If Mrs flea knows you are taking some of my shit out of the house, she’ll probably bake a cake in your honour :joy::rofl:

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There is only one rule → you cannot be judgemental about some of the more questionable items. :slight_smile:



If you saw some of my dire taste, you would never need worry!

To whit - last dvd purchase to arrive through the letter box, George of the Jungle :joy::rofl:

Beat that!

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I’m not falling for that trick - it’s the oldest one in the book!


Whats you max attendance?

:rofl::joy::rofl: Fair enough, that wasn’t meant to be a challenge actually.

I honestly have no shame in my tastes in movies, music and books, as JB will attest to with glee!

If I like it, that is good enough for me, and sod the rest. It is my money and my time after all.The fact that mrs flea needs a synopsis and specific assurance about any of my movies before watching with me is just a bonus (Ichi the Killer put a bit of a dent in her psyche!)


Ummm, 1 at a time? You have to turn sideways as well to fit in the room, and then step over the pileof unsorted recent vinyl to get to the chair :joy: (there are 2 chairs but no sweet spot)

It isn’t the world’s biggest room really. Basically you will be so nearfield that you will almost be using a pair of DeccaVolts as headphones :grin: It’s brilliant!


CME UF6 61 key MIDI controller keyboard in most excellent condition with power supply. I have the box somewhere but I remember it being a bit flimsy, so collection only from near Coventry.

Claire.Fox on PFM might be up for that, she’s just refurbished a Moog Prodigy really nicely.

I would be happy to bring the remaining DVDs down to Lopwell.


@Ijrussell has nudged me into doing what I’ve been meaning to do for a while.

4 * cases of CDs.

I think the cases are meant for 400 CDs each. So, north of 1600 in total.

The CDs have been stripped of their jewel cases, so at best you will get the disc itself and an insert.

They mostly tend to be rock, metal, electronic and “alternative” (think Killing Joke or the Cocteau Twins).

You are welcome to collect from my house in London SE21. You’re also welcome to come and cherry-pick, however I will not cherry-pick for you and then ship.

Free of charge, but if you take something and have spare cash please consider bunging Jon some money for the running of the site.


Shame you are miles away as I’m sure I’d happily take a fair few of those!
I still use my CD player.
I suspect that lot now fits on something the size of a match box!

A very generous offering