Starting again

Get the best speakers you can afford that work in your room,then worry about the rest.


Why not

  1. Just go for the fun factor and build on old speakers,amp TT etc.on the very cheap
    2.Streamlined system, one box and speakers or one box and active speakers. Not so cheap
  2. Streaming with Sonos type.
  3. Alexa type single speaker. Provides music not hi-fi.

Unless you say how you are to use it in your daily life the possibilities are boundless. Option 1 for a fixed location but not pretty system with a 4 to move around your living space may give you the best of both worlds.

I am lucky with a dedicated music room and a decent sized system. Moveable 4 does not compete as hi-fi but far more versatile.

Since I bought the Audio Lab-Yah Orgasmatron schumanator Signature I experience the music of the Cosmos without the need for hifi - Today I Schumann like I mean it.


Without the need to get up for a wee, too.

Unless you live in a mansion then the Kralk Audio TDB-2 with or without a sub.

Mike @MJ2 and I are TDB-2 gimps - we are other type of gimps as well.

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Since you provide no budget, no listening preference and no room size, I will recommend,

Rockport Sirius turntable, Silbatone amplification and WE Mirrophonic speakers.

You’re welcome (or are trolling)




Indeed, it’s a little perky

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So that’s pinky and perky then :+1:.


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You need giant slaying hifi in Tupperware boxes. Matching branded cable on lifters.

Also only listen to 10 audiophile albums on repeat, and even then only listen to the hifi and ignore the music.

Be sure to invest in a music format you have no software for.


Audio Lab-Yah bespoke systems



Ohh, Jane…

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I know but look at the giant floating mince pie, it comes included in the price along with spent nymphs



Have you thought about asking the same question but on a hifi forum?


Bless :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hopefully spent nymphs will be our new currency when the UK finally floats away from reality :+1:

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I think you can get a copy pcb from Nobsound and build your own for a fraction of the price can’t you ?


Indeed - I’m completely distracted from geting pished now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: