I moved last November and I have never had a garden before.
There is stuff growing that I have no idea about.
So far there has been a massive showing of snowdrops, crocuses and now daffs.
That is about the limit of my knowledge.
I could be a lazy git and just post pics on here but I am sure there must be some app which will help identify plants.
I am going to stick some pics up anyway but help with an app would be appreciated.
The last owners were quite keen gardners and the owner before that was the secretary or chairman or something of the local horticultural society.
I think there has been a lot of work put into it.
When I viewed the house the seller told me that the front garden in particular was designed with insects, butterflies and bees in mind.
Quite a few people have told me to record everything for the first year and not to do anything above routine maintenance.
I took on the advice of leaving the garden to see what it does when we moved in here…Turns out we don’t have a garden, in terms of vegetation we have 3.