Stuff growing in my garden

I moved last November and I have never had a garden before.
There is stuff growing that I have no idea about.
So far there has been a massive showing of snowdrops, crocuses and now daffs.
That is about the limit of my knowledge.
I could be a lazy git and just post pics on here but I am sure there must be some app which will help identify plants.

I am going to stick some pics up anyway but help with an app would be appreciated.

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From a few weeks agos

I think these are wallflowers?

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The bees seem to love this shrub

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No idea about this

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Looks like a lizard plant

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Think that’s a David Ickeus


Try the PlantNet app Kev if you have an android phone - it’s really quite impressive at identifying plants.


No ganja so far. Disappoint. :angry:


I know nothing about growing anything you cannot eat or smoke but it looks like you have dropped on a goldmine.

It might well be planned for successional displays so be careful what you pull up.

Nice surprise :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yep, wait a year and see what else comes up as the seasons progress.

I’m jealous, we’re still weeks away from spring here :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wouldn’t touch the garden for a whole year until you’ve seen what it looks like in all 4 seasons, and then use that to plan for next year.

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The last owners were quite keen gardners and the owner before that was the secretary or chairman or something of the local horticultural society.
I think there has been a lot of work put into it.
When I viewed the house the seller told me that the front garden in particular was designed with insects, butterflies and bees in mind.

Quite a few people have told me to record everything for the first year and not to do anything above routine maintenance.


yep, leave it alone, I can’t stand a cultivated garden, I cut the grass in the middle but whatever else grows is it’s business.

I took on the advice of leaving the garden to see what it does when we moved in here…Turns out we don’t have a garden, in terms of vegetation we have 3.

After a year I found that my primary crops were cat shit and nettles.

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Hopefully you wont find one of these @Kevin


pretty sure I went down on her at a house party in 1992