Techie 1210 advice

Surely toast is already sliced before it is toasted? By definition…?

And in any case, why would anyone waste time and energy manually slicing bread when this plumptious beauty exists :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Why do you have a pilot emoji there? Are you freelancing with Ryanair? That would be even shittier than drumming. The next step down would be playing the bass…

Oops Wrong thread :crazy_face:

Actually it was the right thread just realised it’s the usual AA thread drift :grin:

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Cheapish/easy mods:

  1. Funk Achromat or SDS Isoplatmat.
  2. Chuck the rubber arm/headshell rubber washer away.
  3. Fit a Sumiko headshell and leads.
  4. Fit your cart of choice, something with a nude fine line stylus.
  5. Oil the spindle/bearing, lot’s have never been done!
  6. Make sure it’s level, set the cart up carefully.
  7. Decent phonostage!
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Far too sensible.
Hang your head in shame.

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Dunno. I’ve just decided to click emojis at random in the lead up to the end of the seasonal frivolities.

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Thread drift is one of several manifestations of the slackness & indiscipline that makes AA appealing. Along with the lack of an ethos.

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Troo dat :mosque:

Buy an LP12 instead.

Yes endless scope to fettle a broken TT with an LP12.


Morer expensiver, but still straight forward and betterer:

  1. Fit a Rega arm of some type, it is better than the standard arm, I have done side my side comparisons with the same cartridge.

  2. Fit an originlive something arm, it will be betterer, i’ve heard it.

  3. Move the existing power supply to an external box, it’s betterer.


LP12 upgrade path in a picture.


Anything is better than the standard arm, a wooden spoon and a nail for instance.

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Only if several shakti stones were sellotaped on…


You could get some Shakti Inlines on the arm :raising_hand_woman:‍♀️

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I shall get my letter to Santa written… :+1:

But late, your letter will pass santa, the letter on the way to the North Pole, Santa on his treck with pressies

:santa: Fixt :+1:


Mat, feet, externalise the PSU.

Stand back from the turntable.